learning from experience

Tour 30 Victoria News

Better each year

Making a difference

We will endeavour to keep you up to date with the event details and our goals.   The GCWCC has profoundly impacted the lives of many, many fellow Canadians.  Here are some posts and stories from participants who have taken up the Tour 30 Victoria challenge to get out and ride.  Sign up today and tell us your story.


Tim Mok

I did a total of 104.54 kms! My dad and friends did a total of 61.28 kms! It was super fun and we enjoyed it!

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Anne Lawson

Proof Positive – attached picture Just 10 km, but hopefully every little bit helps!

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Serge Caron – Champion, GCWCC 2020

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text] Hello my name is Serge Caron – I am the champion of the 2020 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign for Elections Canada.

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New for 2020 – Where You Want!

Thank you for supporting last year’s ride. This activity has been tremendously successful because of your participation and enthusiasm, and since its launch in 2017,

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sign up!

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Rider Sign Up Form

Help us promote the ride in your emails

Add the following to your email signatures in Outlook


Joignez-vous à la randonnée à vélo TOUR 30 VICTORIA « VIRTUEL » pour la CCMTGC​ 2022!

Join the “VIRTUAL” TOUR 30 VICTORIA bike ride for the 2022 GCWCC!


Please save the image to your computer and then add it to your signature.

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