Serge Caron – Champion, GCWCC 2020

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Hello my name is Serge Caron – I am the champion of the 2020 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign for Elections Canada.

I wanted to send you this little video message today to encourage you to participate in our very first event this year- the 30 Victoria tour! Despite the extraordinary circumstances, we are moving forward while cycling in our respective environments and raising funds for the community. You still have the chance to participate! Visit the link below to register no later than noon on Friday August 28th.

Have a great ride and don’t forget to share pics, stories and maps with us.

Track and share your kilometers with us… we’ll add them to the Tour 30 Victoria Team Tally.
Let’s see how far we can go together!

You can make a difference!  Let’s cycle together!

Thanks for joining the Tour 30 Victoria![/vc_column_text][vc_facebook][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Sign Up!” color=”primary” size=”lg” link=”|title:Sign%20Up!||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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Get Ready, get set, let’s roll…

Let’s roll! The 5th Annual Tour 30 Victoria –a charity bike ride in support of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC). Since its

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Rider Sign Up Form

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Add the following to your email signatures in Outlook


Joignez-vous à la randonnée à vélo TOUR 30 VICTORIA « VIRTUEL » pour la CCMTGC​ 2022!

Join the “VIRTUAL” TOUR 30 VICTORIA bike ride for the 2022 GCWCC!

Please save the image to your computer and then add it to your signature.

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