Tour 30 Victoria exceeds $2500 in donations!

What a ride! The first-ever Tour 30 Victoria for GCWCC was a tremendous success. On September 28th, a group of 50 cyclists/public servants rode 13 km. The weather was perfect for cycling , sunny and cool. Cyclists were welcomed with snacks and beverages, and several prizes were drawn and distributed. In addition to the 50 riders, 13 donors also contributed to the cause. As a result, the Tour raised $2,550!

A special thank you to the cyclists, the committee and to our sponsors.

Participant comments:

  • “WOW”
  • “Extremely fun”
  • “We should do this every week”
  • “Extremely well organized”



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Perry Dorion

My trek was a 26+ KM looping around the Hull sector, which I call “Le tour de Hull”, beautiful day, again.

Get Ready, get set, let’s roll…

Let’s roll! The 5th Annual Tour 30 Victoria –a charity bike ride in support of the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC). Since its

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Join the “VIRTUAL” TOUR 30 VICTORIA bike ride for the 2022 GCWCC!

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